Unique Entity Number (UEN): 52979843C
Entity Name: Replugged Music
UEN / Bill Reference Number: Name of payer/registrant
Or simply scan QR code to pay:
ATM & Internet Banking Funds Transfer
DBS Saving Account 019-7-049967
UOB Current Account 354-301-037-3
Beneficiary/Payee Reference (if any): Name of registrant/payer
For internet funds transfers, it is recommended to use FAST (Fast and Secure Transfers) when you are transferring from a different bank. Payment is usually immediate. Upon completion of transfer, drop us an email so we can verify the payment.
Online Payment via UOB
1. Log on to your UOB account at
2. Under Menu, select Pay Bills -> Add New Payee Here
3. Under Billing Organisation, select Replugged Music
4. Under Bill Reference Number, key in your full name.
5. Under Biller Description, key in your course (eg, Pop Ukulele Course, etc.)
(For UOB online payments, please allow 2-3 working days for clearance)
Cheque Payment
All cheques should be crossed and made payable to Replugged Music. Indicate your name, course, or invoice number (if any) on the back of the cheque.
Mail it to:
Replugged Music
249B Victoria Street, Singapore 188034
(For cheque payments, please allow 2-3 working days for clearance)
Telegraphic / Wire Transfer
Bank Name: United Overseas Bank
Bank Code: 7375
Bank Branch Code: 047
Bank Swift Code: UOVBSGSG
Bank Account Number: 354 301 037 3
Bank Address: 80 Raffles Place, S048624