GROUP classes:
Unfortunately, we are generally not able to offer replacement classes, as different classes/time-slots are likely to be on different lesson schedules. If you are only going to miss 1 or 2 sessions, we are still happy to have you onboard! What we usually do is that we recap the previous lesson during each new session, and will also pass the previous notes/handouts to the absentees to ensure that they are able to keep up with the pace.
Our beginners group classes are typically structured as short 8-week training courses. If you already know ahead that you are unable to make it for more than 2 sessions (prior to signing up) but would like to take up the lessons anyway, you can choose to sign up only for the number of sessions you can attend. Let us know the dates in advance, so we can plan for the number of participants in each session. Please note that you will not be entitled to any promotional package rate in this case.
We will try to reschedule your lessons (subject to availability of room and instructor) as long as you can complete 8 sessions within a span of 9 weeks. Please inform us at least 72 hours in advance, or you will have to be charged for the missed lesson. Informing us early allows us to reschedule another student to take up your slot. Otherwise, we have no way of utilising the slot.
If you have to be away for a few weeks and are unable to complete 8 sessions within 9 weeks (even upon rescheduling some of the classes), please consider giving up your slot to other participants. We will reschedule a new slot for you when are back (subject to availability of room and instructor).